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Circulation Soft Water Cooling System (air-water cooler)

Model GPKL-Ⅱcirculation soft water cooling system adopts closed cooling tower structure. Cooling soft water flow in sealed water tank and cooling pipes. The inner circulation soft water is cooled by overhead fan and water-spray method using the principle of absorbing heat when evaporation. The spray water store at the bottom of cooling tower, soft water circulate inside the closed cooling tower’s heat dissipation pipe, spray-water spray at pipes’ surface by spray-water distribution system and sprayer through spray system, some heat is taken by dissipation and soft water temperature inside the pipe go down accordingly. The cut board stops water in hot air and undissipated water, make them flow through PVC heat exchange layer, the water in the layer is cooled by air, then temperature goes down and fall down to the bottom of the tower.

Apply range: 60kW~1200kW induction heating power supply.


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